Sunday, 11 April 2010

Results of the April Open Assignment - "Supernatural Belongings"

Hello everyone,
Here are the results of our April Open Assignment "Supernatural Belongings".
Have a look and feel free to express your opinions and leave your vote.
Thank you for your participation and for submitting your photos.
All the best.
FramingFrames Team

Go to gallery

Friday, 2 April 2010

April Open Assignment - "Supernatural belongings"

You are invited to participate !
- "Supernatural belongings"
Rules :
-grab your camera
-take one (and only one) picture inspired by the subject in the next 10 days (no old pictures)
-send it to before the deadline : 10th of April.
-Enjoy yourself !
It's simple, it's fun, it's an Open assignment...
We hope to see your pictures !
All the best FramingFrames Team