The collection of all the works produced by FramingFrames collective as well as the works created by guest photographers and the participants of Open Assignments is displayed on our website at www.framingframes.org

Currently the majority of the work created by FramingFrames can be divided into four categories.

Homeworks - It's a monthly cycle based on the original idea of assignments with a specific theme and subject. The results are published on FramingFrames blog where the visitors can leave their feedback and votes. The participation in the Homeworks is limited to FramingFrames Team only.

Open Assignments - it's a monthly cycle which follows this same principal, as Homeworks but it's open to the public and anyone interested can participate. As with Homeworks the results a published on FramingFrames blog, where the visitors can leave their feedback and votes.

"Where I end and you begin" - it is a project lasting several weeks, where limited group of guest photographers is invited in order to create a series of photographs - one inspired by previous one. It begins with one of the photographers taking a photo and sending it to the other one in order to provoke an inspiration which in turn produces a new picture which is then sent to the next person, and so on.

Single Tracks - each of us, individually prepares a series of pictures, focused on a specific subject or idea. The series lasts for the entire month. The pictures are presented one by one on our blog every day, slowly revealing the whole three series as the month goes by.