Friday, 27 February 2009

Assigment #1 - the Beginning

The task of this first assignment was to create pictures that would represent or be inspired by the notion of "beginning" in any sense of that word.
We had 2 week to accomplish this task. Each of us have chosen 3 of his best works and they are posted here.
We kindly invite you to have a look at them by clicking on the link below. Choose you favorite picture and let us know about it by leaving a comment.
Thanks a lot and we hope you will enjoy the outcome.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys, great project!
I guess the whole idea of being on tour, and having all those time slots where you are waiting, can also result in a piece. YES and it should be shown together with Ashes, before Ashes.... great introduction!
But of course, it's not about making MORE pieces now, i guess...
So, i like picture#6 because is really not litteral, nor antiliteral.

Anonymous said...

love the #9, simple, clear, inspiring, straigt and curvy, sharp and blured, beginning, middle, end, life!
who took it?


Anonymous said...

OK je dis sai pas vraiment encore pourkoi, La 5 est vraiment drole le 8 un peu mortifer j'aime bien oci, la 6 est vraiment classe oci, biz

Anonymous said...

Je dis n°1. Elle est parfaite selon moi, la composition graphique, l'agencement des éléments, les niveaux de gris, elle évite la nostalgie tout en l'invoquant de je ne sais quelle manière. Elle résume le temps à une aiguille, tout s'est figé et même la mouette s'est fait prendre au pièce. Là, à attendre un départ qui n'existe jamais. Là à attendre quelqu'un définitivement perdu dans la brume… 
en somme, quelque chose qui touche à l'âme. Me semble-t-il…


Anonymous said...

Nice shots. I especially like #3 and #7. True "beginnings" - anticipation, hope. Technically good, too. On the other hand #8 seems like an obvious "end" to me, not the beginning. #9 is a little over-photoshopped IMHO - the DoF is clearly unnatural. It would be much better if you used real, optical blur.
Keep posting!

Anonymous said...

Oh, sorry, I meant I like _#4_ and #7, not #3... ;)

Anonymous said...

Nice work guys! The first picture is my favorite. It's so poetic. The "beginning" theme is extremely captured in composition and B&W choice. The 5th is extremely funny. It could inspire people to delay satisfaction in drinking and use of mayonaise. A completely new ritual!
I'm really looking forward your next theme and photo's. Best regards

Anonymous said...

The feeling of the "begining" is strongest in picture #9. But change the perspective a little, and the begining becomes the end.
I love the last one too. It makes me think of life: you see the beginning, cant see the end, even though you know its there.

In some of the photos I did not see the initial idea, rather the opposite. But hey... we all see things differently!
Thanks guys

Anonymous said...

ops.. I meant picture #7, the one with the rails as the strongest : )

Anonymous said...

you have to trust me on this one

Anonymous said...

the 9 is great, very esthetic but in the same time it gives a sense of mesure and even time...
ciao guys

Anonymous said...

Hey ,guys
This is kimchi.
My favorite is 9# , the measurement object presents strict but because of color It gives soft and warm feeling. #1 is impressive but too perfect for me..
See you soon guys.

Anonymous said...

Hej Guys,

I find it hard to not like the picture #1, as it has this classical nostalgia, melancholia in it, and simple beauty. But I find the focus spreads on too many things.
I feel similar about #9 - very clear, simple and metaphorical. But a bit cold, for my taste.

My favorite is transmits the possible senses the actual action creates in real time.

Great project!

Anonymous said...

go for #9.. if it's about what I think it's about than it really makes me laugh :-)

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