Thursday, 19 March 2009

Assignment #2 - Waiting

First things first,
Thank you so much for all of your comments and choices that you have left on our blog. We really appreciate it . It's great to hear your opinions and learn about the way you see things - it gives us such a great motivation and pushes to think and work harder.
As you see, we just completed our assignment #2.
"Waiting" was the subject of this one. Not as simple as we thought it will be, but I guess that's the point.
We also thought to modify slightly the process of leaving comments for your convenience.
There are two ways to express your opinions now, Quick or Regular.

Quick - if you don't have much time, or don't feel like leaving a written comment, just vote for you favorite picture in the poll just here to the right. And you are done.

Regular - if you have a bit of time and want to share your opinion with us about your favorite photo or about the other ones.
Quickly vote for your favourite picture in the poll on the right and then leave a written comment below, as usual.
Thank you so much again.

...and now we kindly invite you to visit the gallery below and let us know what you think about our latest works.
Best Regards,

Go to gallery


Anonymous said...

The dog takes the doubt...its too cute!!!!
Great picture with sense of humour.

I like also #1, #6 and #7.

Enjoy Scandinavia!

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for your inspiring pictures. The absolute winner in the waiting theme for me is nr.7. There's only one face in the crowd that takes attention, great capture. Number 8 is second best on esthetical reasons about lines and composition. The number 9 is also great, because it's a bird. As a bird it's a shame to wait! Come on, they can fly....
Best regards

Anonymous said...

The 5 is my vote, it's a very nice, beautyful and stupid picture, I like it. I don't know why but I like also the 1 , probably because of the colours, and also because of the sadness. The 6 is touching.
See you ,

Anonymous said...

I take number 5...not cliché, tells a story with simplicity.

Anonymous said...


Beautiful stils of urban life.
Picture 8 struck me most. Not because of the text, but the light and the composition: the sense of space created by the horizontal and vertical lines.

Anonymous said...

Hi .
Kimchi like photo Nr 2&4.
It gives me a feeling that there are so many things we passing by everyday without noticing the subtle meanings.
Good work guys!!!
See ya

Anonymous said...

Hi dream team,

N° 5 is great because it's funny yellow, n° 7 looks like it is taken in the fifties, nice atmosphere!

CU soon! Big hug to you all! Hope you are doing all well?

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
what a great project.
As far as the theme 'waiting'goes, I preferred the empty chair, no.1. Mainly because it conveyed waiting but in a slightly more obscure way than some of the others which were more obviously 'waiting'...
My favourite photo though, was no 9- the bird, which looked 'expectant' to me, which is also waiting I guess...hey, what do I know?!
Great pictures

Anonymous said...

I would pick no. 7! Really like the idea for the 'waiting' theme. Girl in the middle, even in b&w, perfectly gives a contrast to surrounding crowd. She seems like she is waiting for something totally opposite to everyone else. I wouldn't be myself if I didn't say about high quality of the photo itself:)

All the best from cold Poland

Anonymous said...

#2 is perfect in every way to me!!! It captures the texture of the figure really well, showing that she has been waiting for a long time now. And she will wait forever...
It may seem that this photo is not very creative since it only shows what the sculptor did. However, I would not agree with that. It adds to the original by means of colour tone and framing. I love it. The background is solarised, but it's PERFECT anyway.
I also love #7 - great timing, great eye. Wow!
This picture-set is all so good. You guys are talented photographers! Except for #3. I really don't understand how you could put this picture here. It's rubbish. The guy on the left is cut, there is absolutely no balance in the frame. What could be interesting here? The long "milky-way" light coming out of the guy's nose? Oh, please...

Anonymous said...

very good !
but for me is n° 8
only n°8
after, it is chattering
no ?

Phil badly awaked

Anonymous said...

like nr.8 the most, think it's because of the different time components... fast written letters on the wall.. endless sky.. a woman walking slow.. the high wall.. all connected through this composition and all waiting 4 something different: 4 revolution, 4 the night ..and will her hair ever touch the wind while walking along this wall...?

all your foto's are touching :-) not easy 2 make a choice!


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