Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Assignment #9 "Three of a kind"

Hi, there!
The 2010 we begin with a twist on our usual assignment idea.
This time the only requirement for us was to create a triptych / mini series of photos.
Each of us created a set of 3 photos related to each other in some way and intended to be appreciated together.
So, this time we ask you not to focus one particular photo, but look at the whole set of 3 of them, and pick the set you prefer.
Thanks guys !
"… everything is covered and unified by this one dominant colour. The sound is muted and almost gone and there is this overall feeling of stillness and calm. The traces of foot steps and car tracks remain in the snow telling the story of what have happened. The world is reduced to a monochrome photograph and receives a whole new kind of poetry and meaning to it."

" Nowadays I hear talking about space in terms of warm hole and folding space, yet in everyday life we still have to open a door to get to a different space.
Open doors are for you to go in or stay out but there is always something intriguing behind a closed one "

"nights, rains, headlights..."
"I often like blurry pictures, don't know really why, but maybe it produces something mysterious and reveals -in a way- a different perception of reality.
This last weeks, I took a lot of pictures from cars, trains, buses by rainy nights.
It's in fact bad conditions for photography, but I like the surprises it gives, helping me to discover different settings for the camera and the eye.
and surprise, sometimes it's not blurry…"
Have a look at the pictures and let us know what you think.
All the best. FramingFrames Team.


Anonymous said...

Is it possible to vote for every set?
The first one is really homogenic (it reminds me a kind of a set....ha ha ha)
The second one I like the subject
The third one is really esthetic

I'm gonna take my time to decide for which one I'll vote.
See you guys,

Anonymous said...

vote for me gaël...
I pay you french fries (it stays between us)

Anonymous said...

've just discovered your work... very good.

I hesitate : should I vote with my eyes, with my brain or with my heart...

I'm gonna vote with the best part of MY triptych : my stomach!
Fais péter les french fries, grego.


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